poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2011

Pink skirt + white sweater.

Jak zauwazyliscie nie nosze czesto spodniczek, ale czasami robie wyjatki. Tutaj prezentuje Wam chyba moja ulubiona w kolorze ostrego rozu. Do tego bialy sweterek, ktory kupilam za jedyne 30 zl w H&M. I powiem to jeszcze raz: wyprzedaze sa cudowne!
Swoja droga skonczyly mi sie ferie -.- wiec bede miala mniej czasu na prowadzenie bloga.

As you have noticed I do not wear skirts often, but sometimes I do exceptions. Here, I'm show you my favorite color fuchsia pink. For the white sweater, which I bought for only £ 30 at H & M. I'll say it again: sales are wonderful!
By the way I ran out of holidays -.- so I had less time for blogging.
Sorry for mistakes.

                                                                                                                  SKIRT - TALLY WEIJL
                                                                                                           SWEATER - H&M
                                                                                                                     BAG - H&M
                                                                                                                 SHOES - NY-er
                                                                                                        BRACELETS - H&M

czwartek, 24 lutego 2011

Nothing special.

Dzisiejszy zestaw to nic specjalnego. Czarne leginsy, czarny cardigan i po raz kolejny karmelowa torba. Jest tylko nowa bluzka w kolorze miodu. Ma bardzo ladne, zdobione rekawy, ale niestety bylo zbyt zimno zeby zdjac sweter. Nie odwazylam sie :D  Do tego bogato zdobiony naszyjnik, ktory dostalam pod choinke. :)

Today's set is nothing special. Black leggings, black cardigan and once again, caramel bag. It's just a new shirt in the color of honey. It has a very pretty, decorated with sleeves, but unfortunately it was too cold in order to remove a sweater. I could not do that: D. For this richly ornamented necklace, which I got  for a Christmas. :)

                                                                                                               T-SHIRT - STRADIVARIUS
                                                                                                         CARDIGAN - SH
                                                                                                          LEGGINGS - H&M
                                                                                                                 SHOES - NY-er
                                                                                                                      BAG - H&M
                                                                                                        JEWELLERY - H&M

niedziela, 20 lutego 2011

Too short, too big.

Ostatnie sezony w modzie kojarza mi sie z za krotkimi lub za duzymi ubraniami. I musze powiedziec, ze bardzo mi sie to podoba. Takie skrajnosci to przynajmniej cos oryginalnego. Najbardziej lubie wszelkie oversizowe kroje, ale pare tygodni temu kupilam "za maly" sweterek w serce( tak, znowu serca <3 :D). Uwazam, ze razem z dzinsami lub leginsami tworza fajny zestaw.

Last season in the fashion associate me with a too short or too large clothes. And I must say that I really like it. Such extreme of at least something original. The most I like all oversize typefaces, but a few weeks ago I bought "too small" sweater in the heart (yes, once again the heart <3: D). I believe that together with jeans form a nice set.

                                                                                                    SWEATER- H&M
                                                                                                         JEANS - ZARA
                                                                                                        SHOES - NY-er
                                                                                                             BAG - H&M
                                                                                               JEWELLERY - H&M

czwartek, 17 lutego 2011

Hearts, small hearts.

Kombinezon w male, biale serduszka bardzo czesto nosilam latem. Wczoraj po kilku miesiacach odkopalam go z szafy i postanowilam ubrac. Do tego cieply cardigan i pleciony pasek. Zdjecia jak zwykle robione byly na mrozie, wiec wygladam nanieco zmarznieta.
ps. Gdzie moge kupic fajne, tanie buty na koturnie? Szukam i szukam, ale znalezc nie moge.:)

Suit in the small, white hearts very often wore in the summer. Yesterday after a few months dug him from the closet and decided to wear them. To this warm cardigan and braided strap. Pictures were taken as usual in the cold, so it looks a bit frozen. ps. Where can I buy nice, cheap wedges? I'm looking and looking, but I can't find:).

                                                                                         SUIT - ZARA
                                                                             CARDIGAN - NY-er
                                                                                        BELT - STRADIVARIUS
                                                                                          BAG - H&M
                                                                                      SHOES - NY-er
                                                                             JEWELLERY - H&M

poniedziałek, 14 lutego 2011

The Eightis.

Ten zestaw jest inspirowany latami 80'. Ta dekada byla pelna waskich, marmurkowych dzinsow, trampek ( moje ukochane Conversy<3) i bluzek w wyblaklych kolorach. Czasami bardzo lubie sie tak cofnac w czasie i poczuc sie inaczej. Zdjecia nie sa perfekcyjne, ale znowu bylo niesamowicie zimno. Kiedy bedzie wiosna?!
Ps.Trwa Fashion Week w Nowym Jorku. Sporo blogerek sie tam znalazlo. To naprawde fajne, ze dzieki blogom tyle z nich moglo sie tam znalezc.

This set is inspired by the year 1980 '. This decade was full of narrow, marbled jeans, sneakers (my beloved Converse <3) and blouses in faded colors. Sometimes I like  go back in time and to feel differently. Pictures are not perfect, but again it was extremely cold. When will be spring!
Ps. Fashion Week in New York continues. A lot of bloggers are there. It's really cool!

                                                                          T-SHIRT - H&M
                                                             SKINNY JEANS - H&M
                                                                   CARDIGAN  - SH
                                                                    SNEAKERS - CONVERSE
                                                                                BAG - ZARA
                                                                  BRACELETS - H&M

piątek, 11 lutego 2011

Winter break.

Ferie! W koncu mam ferie! Dwa tygodnie lenistwa. Ostatnio stracilam troche zapal do prowadzenia bloga, ale obiecuje, ze sie poprawie. wykorzystam ta przerwe w szkole! ps. nie mam polskich znakow!

Winter break! Finally two, lazy weeks! haha. :D I'm so happy! Recently I haven't time for my blog, but I promise improvement. I will use this break in school!