W ostatnich dniach jest stanowczo za dużo nauki. Dodajcie do tego jeszcze wszystkie inne obowiązki dotyczące różnych projektów poza lekcyjnych czy spraw związanych z samorządem szkolnym i wszystko razem sprawia, że nie mam zupełnie na nic czasu. Dopiero dziś, przed chwilą udało mi się wyjść z siostrą na mały wieczorny spacer. Lubię się tak przewietrzyć "przed snem ". W ogóle ostatnio mam ochotę na sport ;D Szczególnie po dzisiejszym bieganiu w sztafetach w szkole :)
Set i zdjęcia robione już jakiś czas temu, kiedy było trochę cieplej. Mam na sobie jedną z moich ulubionych luźnych, 'oversizeowych' bluzek z Myszką Mickey i kwiatowe leginsy:) ( raczej dobrze już wszystkim znane, bo mam wrażenie że ma je każda dziewczyna w mojej szkole, ale co tam :D)
In recent days, there are too many lessons. Add to this all other obligations of the various projects outside the classroom, or issues with the local school and all together makes that I have absolutely no time for anything. Only today, a moment ago, I managed to go out with my sister for an evening walk. In general, lately I like sports; D Especially after today's running in relays at the school:)
Outfit and photos taken some time ago, when I was a little warmer. I'm wearing one of my favorite loose, 'oversize' blouses with Mickey Mouse and floral leggings:) (leggings are well known to all, because I have a impression that every girl wears them at my school, but whatever :D)
oversize blouses - H&M
leggings - NY
sunglasses - S.I.X
shoes - sh
Best of 2024 | Part II
2 tygodnie temu
68 komentarzy:
bardzo pozytywnie i nie kiczowato, super ;)
Pasują ci takie legginsy :)
Boski zestaw! Wyglądasz świetnie :)
Love the blouses, you have bought this now?!
MICKY! you look cute in this outfit. Oh and fall did come very quickly, didn't it?
Your blouse is so cute!! Love the graffiti on the wall!!!
thanks love (:
nice pictures, love the background (:
świetna bluzka!
O, jak tu wesoło i kolorowo! Piękne zdjęcia.
I love that tee!
lovely photos and i love that blouse! :-)
wspaniały tiszert ;)
I love your style ;)
ps. I follow you on bloglovin' !
How are you? Your blog is great and I love your style! I'm glad that I've visited yours.
Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!
Thanks and love,
thanks :)
super:) takie wielkie koszulki to najwygodniejsza góra jaka może być:)
Super cute!! Thanks for commenting on my blog : )
thanks for the comment on my blog
you just got a new follower... really cool fashion here :)
So lovely!! u look super cute :)
That top is from H&M?? LOVE it!! You just look so adorable in these pics. xo
super cool x
That top is just adorable! I'm loving the wall.
AWWWW this is such a cute outfit. still regretting that i gave that shirt back. :( anyway, great location, great outfit, great pictures!! awesome!
xoxo Mode Junkie
thank you:)
i like your shirt!!
very cute top!
Yes, ta bluzka jest super kjut i pasuje kolorystycznie do leginsów. lubię takie zestawienia kolorystyczne, kiedy mamy dwie rzeczy, które łączy pewien odcień.
I wyglądasz olśniewająco, dawno nie widziałam Cię z wyprostowanymi włosami :)
thank you so much! =)
i like your pictures too =)
your blog is very popular!
your pictures are really nice!
Mickey rules!
Great tee and leggings all together perfect!
ekstra leginsy!:)
Cute tee :)
this outfit is so amazing! really inspiring blog!
dzieki za komentarz :D sliczne zdjecia ^^,
such a cute tee!
świetne zdjęcia, fajny zestaw i bardzo fajny blog :)
pozdrawiam i zapraszam na konkurs organizowany na moim blogu!
I love the entire outfit! I've been living in over-sized tops lately and I have a weird obsession with anything Disney!
P.S. Thanks for stopping by!
cute shirt and I love the way you styled it. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I have been exploring your blog and its quite lovely. Consider me your new follower
Cute shirt, I love over sized clothes!
They are the best.
What a fun outfit! The Mickey Mouse tee is too cute! Thanks again for dropping by my blog:)
Thanks for your comment. Lovely blog. :)
this is the first time i'm here and i love your blog!
nice outfit! :)
thank you. I love that outfit!
amazing outfit, love your oversize shirt!
xoxo claudia
Great great Look. :)
Thanks for your commment.
Great combination!! I haven't seen that legging in our school very much, but it's a different country.
BTW: You look quite a lot like someone I know :)
Please visit (and follow):
Love the mickey mouse t-shirt! Too cool! Where did u buy it?
BTW, how old are you?
Love your blog!
Such a fun outfit! Love it :D
Great pics!!!
Great outfit
ojj ładne zdjęcia ;)
you are so pretty, and nice style :)
rewelacyjnie to wygląda to połączenie
thanks for the comment, lovely outfit :D
świetny zestaw :)
Amazing outfit, the shirt is too cute. When I was younger I loved Minnie Mouse :D
And nice blog too :)
I loved your shirt so much! Mainly the combination you did with those leggings!
xx Tamy
Thank you very much for your lovely comment!
Fajny outfit :) zapraszam do siebie
Love this shoot! And the outfit! The legging fits perfectly with the shirt! A real match!
xx Marije
This is adorable! Love the oversized top paird with those leggings
youre a doll
keep in touch lovely
<3 amy
boski t-shirt!
thanks for your comment on my blog:)
Great pics!!
Super koszulka a legginsy jeszcze lepsze zapraszam na http://justynjjacollection.blogspot.com/
I got the same shirt and it looks so great on you!! The background fits perfectly with the shirt, I think!! The pictures really look great:)
I'd love you to stop by some time:)
I love these photos and your outfit :)
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