środa, 20 kwietnia 2011

Orange evening.

Przepraszam Was bardzo za dluga przerwe, ale mam teraz w szkole intensywny czas. Ciagle jest mnostwo testow i sprawdzianow. Ale na szczescie jeszcze tylko dwa miesiace do wakacji. Dzisiaj dodaje outfit z moim pomaranczowym kombinezonem z Zary, ktory polaczylam z rajstopami w kropki.

Sorry for the long break, but I have a intense time at school now. It is still a lot of tests and exams. But, fortunately, only two months to vacation. Today,I added the outfit with my orange suit from Zara, which I combined with the dot tights.

                                                                                                                  SUIT - ZARA
                                                                                                            BLAZER - CUBUS
                                                                                                              TIGHTS - H&M
                                                                                                               SHOES - NO NAME

wtorek, 12 kwietnia 2011

Floral skirt + my favourite ramones.

Kwiatowa, romantyczna spodniczka i ramoneska to doskonale polaczenie tej wiosny. Zdjecia robilam w niedziele, kiedy byla piekna pogoda. Teraz niestety pada deszcz i jest zimno. Szkoda, bo dzisiaj pierwszy dzien testow. Ladniejsza pogoda na pewno napawala by nas optymizmem. Tymbardziej, ze jutro czesc matematyczna.

Floral, romantic skirt and ramones is the perfect combination this spring. Photos I did in Sunday, when the weather was beautiful. Now, unfortunately, it's raining and cold. Too bad, because today the first day of exams. Nice weather  would make me happier. Especially because the mathematical part is tomorrow.

                                                                                                  SKIRT - H&M
                                                                                               JACKET - ZARA
                                                                                                      TOP - H&M
                                                                                                     BAG - NY-ER
                                                                                     SUNGLASSES - NY-ER

sobota, 9 kwietnia 2011


Tak jak obiecalam dzisiaj dodaje zdjecia z pokazow. Od razu chce przeprosic Was za jakosc zdjec, ale oswietlenie bylo bardzo slabe.
Za kilka dni post z moim strojem. :) Milej Soboty!

As I promised, today pictures from fashionshows. Sorry for the quality of the photos, but the lighting was very bad..
Post with my outfit. in a few days :) Enjoy your Saturday!

poniedziałek, 4 kwietnia 2011

Fashion event.

W ten weekend mialam okazje uczestniczyc w imprezie odbywajacej sie w Szczecinie pod nazwa "WEEK&MODY". Udalo mi sie obejrzec kilka pokazow m.in firmy Hexeline czy Tru Trussardi oraz kolekcje Michala Starosta. Pozniej odbyl sie konkurs mlodych projektantow w trzech kategoriach : Pret a Porter, Premier Vision , Haute Couture. Najlepsze wrazenie zrobily na mnie projekty Gavla Grzegorskiego ( przepraszam nie ma polskich znakow). Zdjecia z tej i innych niesamowitych kolekcji pokaze Wam w kolejnym poscie. Dzisiaj natomiast pare innych fotek, m.in z backstagu. Milego dnia Wam wszystkim!

This weekend I had the opportunity to participate in an event called "WEEK&FASHION". I managed to watch several fashion shows, among other things: the company Hexeline, Tru Trussardi and collection of Michal Starost. Later came the competition of young designers in three categories: Pret a Porter, Premier Vision, Haute Couture. Top impressed me Gavel Grzegorski projects.  Photos from this and other amazing collections, I will show you in the next post. Today, a few other pictures, among other things from backstage. Have a nice day you all!
                                                                    I WAS WEARING :
                                                                 JACKET - ZARA
                                                                BLOUSE - H&M
                                                                    JEANS - ZARA
                                                                   SHOES - SH
                                                           NECKLACE - SH